Kia Consultant

IELTS/PTE coaching

What Is IELTS?

IELTS is the most popular high staked English proficiency test which is accepted across the world. KIA Consultant provides free of cost Academic IELTS classes that enables the students to score high bands upto (8 and 9 in some exceptional cases). It has developed a specialised course module that helps in mastering reading, writing, listening and speaking skills with an unmatched excellence.

In order to reach the global standards, KIA Consultant takes care of objective assessment of students' English ability and guides them in practicing it to achieve the desired score. Furthermore, it takes the students through strategic learning approach that can further advance their language skills for better future.

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Strategy for IELTS Exam Preparation

Preparation for IELTS exam is based on the practice time spent on engaging with English language. Communicating in English in every minute of the day, watching films, reading books and publications help in improving the language ability.


IELTS Course Structure

Reading Strategy

The reading part of IELTS exam includes reading comprehension and understanding the written text. Reading number of informational paragraphs in English helps in finding the answers quickly. With continuous reading habit and practice, one can improve their speed of finding the facts and opinions and gradually becomes stronger in this section.

Writing Strategy

The writing section depends upon the type of the test you undergo – Academic or General. It includes two to three writing tasks to evaluate the writing capabilities of the student. We assist the students in articulating their opinions and views about political, social and cultural issues in written English. We pay special attention to structuring and providing supportive information to ensure performance in this section.

Listening Strategy

IELTS exam also covers audio visual exercise to evaluate the listening capabilities of the student. It involves listening to the conversation of native speakers, identifying their accent and tone of the voice. Our proficient trainers take them through every conversations and interaction in English. We also focus on observing body language that can help in cracking this exercise.

Speaking Strategy

Speaking section is one of the most challenging sections in IELTS exam. It requires good pronunciation with fluency of speaking in English. We help the students practice on listening module more so that students can get familiar with pronunciation and work on their speaking ability. For better practice, we also provide them audio's to listen and improve their speaking skills.

In order to reach the global standards, KIA Consultant takes care of objective assessment of students' English ability and guides them in practicing it to achieve the desired score. Furthermore, it takes the students through strategic learning approach that can further advance their language skills for better future.

Pearson Test of English

popular as English language proficiency test conducted by Pearson PLC Group the conducting body of the PTE academic exam has not laid down any educational qualification.

PTE is a computer based English language computer based test for non-native English speakers who wish to study abroad and tests the Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking abilities of students wishing to study abroad. For taking the PTE test, student must be atleast 16 years of age at the time of appearing the test. Candidates below 18 years of age need to take a parental consent form signed by either parents or guardians before taking the test.


This test assesses one candidate on the basis of two major skills which are speaking and writing .Both the sections check the promptness of an individual in speaking. First, skim read the whole text quickly to understand the general meaning and style of the different type of questions which are Personal Introduction, Read Aloud, Repeat Sentence, Describe Image, Re-tell lecture, Answer short questions, Summarize Written text and essay.

READING (30-40 minutes)

PTE reading section is aimed at evaluating a candidate’s ability to read and interpret academic English.

Reading Preparation Tips

1. Practice time management by spending only 2 minutes on the PTE reading tasks.
2. The technicalities need to be worked upon.
3. Grammar rules should be learned.
4. Practice vocabulary rom different flashcards.
5. Understand the meaning of the passage.
6. Look for the key idea and proceed with the supporting ideas and details.

LISTENING (45-60 minutes)

The PTE Listening requires you to listen to an audio or video clips that begin automatically .You can adjust the volume as per your comfort which can be increased by moving the bar to the right side. It is the final section of the test and takes approximately 45-60 minutes. You will be listening to a short audio.

There are eight tasks in the listening section which are:

1. Summarise spoken text
2. Multiple Choice, choose Multiple answers
3. Fill in the blanks
4. Highlight correct summary
5. Select missing word
6. Multiple Choice, choose single answers
7. Highlight incorrect words
8. Write from DICTATION